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Vision Board

The purpose of the Vision Board is to empower, equip, and evaluate the ministry and mission of First United Methodist Church in faithful response to God's call. Each year, the board crafts a vision statement for the ministry of the church and empowers the church's ministers to realize that vision.


After a very successful program year of “Celebrating Our Church Family,” the Vision board set their sights on “Opening Our Doors Wider” as the theme of the 2018-2019 program year.


We set out with a goal to intentionally engage our community more, encourage small groups to form, and to put our faith into action. Throughout the program year, we saw the use of our building increase with the Annual Westfield on Weekend’s Pumpkinfest, Suicide Prevention Workshops, and continued momentum for the Fusion Coffee House.


Arguably the most prominent move toward “Opening Our Doors Wider” this program year was FUMC’s response to the 2019 General Conference. After the General Conference voted to adopt the Traditional Plan, which does harm to our LGBTQ+ siblings by further excluding them from full participation in the Church, First United Methodist Church responded by reaffirming our commitment to all of God’s children, including our LGBTQ+ siblings. We did this by making a public statement of support, creating a rainbow banner for the front of our building with the inscription “Our Doors Are Open to All,” and beginning the process to join the Reconciling Ministries Network.


The Vision Board began to think about “Doing Things Differently,” as part of their 2020 Vision. This vision will continue to develop at a Summer Leadership Retreat.

VISION BOARD 2018-2019

Chairperson: Benjiman Durfee

Pastor: Rev. Bruce Arbour

Treasurer: Sally Templeton

SPRC Rep.: Kevin Vance

Property Committee Rep.: Rob Draper

Lay Delegate to Annual ConferenceVacant

Lay Leader: Kevin Mealey

Member-at-large: Janet Baush

Member-at-large: Judy Mealey

Member-at-large: Tracy Carne

Member-at-large: Tink Hartdegen

Member-at-large: Vacant

2017-2018 Vision Board Report

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