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Music Resources

Below is listed the choir anthems for September - November 2018:

September 9 - "Alleluia" by Andrew Miller
September 16 - "You Are the Christ" by Joseph M. Martin
September 23 - "Let Me Be Your Servant" by Stan Pethel 
September 30 - "Bring Forth the Kingdom" by Marty Haugen
October 7 - "Let the Children Come" by Mark Burrows

                     "At the Table" by Alan Pote
October 14 - "Lord, I Give My Heart To You" by Joseph Martin
October 21 - "A Servant Heart, A Servant Song" by Charles McCartha
October 28 - "Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)" arr. by Joel Raney
November 4 - "We Thank You For Beloved Saints" by Pepper Choplin

                         "Holy Ground" by Christopher Beatty
November 11 - "Where Your Treasure Is" by Marty Haugen
November 18 - "For the Beauty of the Earth" by John Rutter

November 25 - "Let The Song Go Round The Earth" arr. by Marry Ellen Kerrick

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