Lazarus at the Gate
Lazarus at the Gate is an eight-week Bible study that challenges participants to understand the Biblical foundation for generosity, simple living and just consumption.
Taken straightforwardly, scriptural teachings on wealth are enormously challenging to American consumer culture with its emphasis on immediate gratification, tolerance of vast inequalities, and promotion of anxiety. In this respect, the Bible offers readers an alternative vision of prosperity. Recognizing that we are already blessed by God’s abundance frees participants to make challenging shifts in spending patterns, and inspires them to give a generous collective gift to an organization of their choice at the end of the eight weeks.
Participants in Lazarus groups make four commitments together:
Live Gratefully! Regularly give thanks for the blessing of what we have
Live Justly! Make one lifestyle change to consume more justly
Live Simply! Make one lifestyle change to spend less for ourselves
Live Generously! Make a gift to fight global poverty
Since 2007, Lazarus at the Gate has engaged more than 500 Christians in groups who have given more than $500,000 to fight hunger, poverty and injustice.
The Lazarus Group will meet on eight Tuesday evenings beginning October 2nd, from 6-8pm at First United Methodist Church. If you would like to participate in this intimate, transformative study group, please contact Benjiman Durfee at or 508-542-7303.
Lazarus at the Gate is a curriculum generously offered free of charge through Boston Faith & Justice Network. Click their logo above to learn more about what they do!